Hm..setelah brcuti panjang n fikir semasak-masaknya..akhirnya sy buat keputusan utk TIDAK menukar layout..hehe.Thanks so much pd yg memberi komen di blog juga di luar blog.. =PSo majority kata, ayat lebih kurang cmni la.." stay je layout ni lebih ok""baik kau tukar tp layout ni bg aku"tp mmg mostly girls akn suh tukar pd layout cake2 tu aa..chidish la plak kan. Sy dh besar tau. (^_^)
Sy bercuti jd blog sy pn bercuti.
Alangkah indah klau sy ada laptop sendiri n leh update blog anytime, anywhere..
Office? Dh tak sempat.. klau ada pn masa baik rehatkan mata drpd menaip..
Rumah? My sisters are everywhere..siap tunggu turn nk guna internet..huhu.. Wireless? tak sure laju katanya sbb kwsn kampung kn..
So sorry la ek tak update.
What if I change my layout to a NEW layout AGAIN?Hehe..i know2..i've change my layout more than 5 times (exclude testing periods) but what can i say, i LOVE it soo much! i got bored with my layout easily... luckily i still with him.. (what's that suppose to mean?) It means..u r so hot i dont
have to find other person cute so attractive..even if i see ur
face everyday i'll
never got bored. why? because u have thousands of expression u know.. smiley faces also have more than 5 need to describe here. =Pok stop. huhu.. (y do i talk about him just now??) <-- coz u miss him hikhikthe thing here is..what do think about this layout? should i change to it OR shouldn't i?Advantage of Current layout:- I love it because it has 3 column (yes, i want 3 best..hehe)
- because it's RED
- because i've spent A DAY just to edit the original code into what u can see now, espeacially the font, the size of the sidebar and the header..huhu.. (i'm really good in coding..but i hate the previous i click click click and test test test..just to find the most interesting font at my OWN EYES.
Disadvantage of Current layout:- The font...which i spent ONE DAY tu.. do not compatible with most IE version..huh..frustrating! How can I show off? (even nobody realize it..haha)
- it's default FONT COLOR for the post is i need to highlight all my post each time b4 publish it. Yes, I've tried to changed the color at the setting, failed..I've tried to find the codes and change it..also failed.. Hate it!
Other consequences (if any):- yes, there are. i have to copy paste all the codes and links to the new layout because FOR SURE the new template will delete all the widget (in the layout setting they called "Gadget") - this took another ONE WHOLE DAY without EAT & DRINK!
Err..okay, that's exaggerate =PSee..see! i've listed the pros and cons but still the pros WIN.. =(So any idea guys?I've decide one -> Demo
Pros:- Darn cute!!! it has lovely icons here n navigation links...exactly just like i want!
Cons:- The font for post is kinda too small.. (or is it my eyes??)
- Both right sidebar range is smaller that my current layout..but it's not a big deal.. maybe some bloggers' title may not fit if it's too long.
Again, opinion pls?
Hari pertama cuti (Khamis, 30/4/09), stil kena hntr mak gi keja.Tp takpa, leh lepak kt umah atuk aftr. Agak seronok sbnrnya, cuma ada rasa sumthing missing..huh. apa ntah, cuma bla tetiba bla bgn pg tgn takda menaip apa2 rasa pelik. sukar sungguh kehidupan sbg org IT.
Computer is PART OF our LIFE! Mmg rasa KEHILANGAN bla tak menaip komputer or wat apa2 dgn komputer.
Takleh jd,then sy kuar smula umah tuk n settlekan urusan perbankan sendri (bayar la sgala utang kt bank - keta,asb,maxis,laptop)
Habis suma tu sy singgah kt bengkel keta Nazwan kt Jln Kluang, deret2 dgn Hyundai dan brdepan dgn Shell,dkt gk dgn roundabout Simpang Rantai.
Ok,bkn kdai tu yg sy nk citer tp keta sy. Dh sebulan sbnrnya 'air terjun' kt cermin dpn keta tu tak kuar. (korang paham la ek,xtau nk bg nama apa). Wlaupun dh isi air, stil tak kuar gk.Agak scary sbnrnya memandu dlm keadaan takda 'air terjun' tu terutama bla kabus pg menjelma. Yelah klau dh kuar umah kul 630am, kabus pg tu sgt normal. Tp fikir nnt nk hntr servis akhir bln, so biar je dulu. Tp bla ujung bln menjelma..keadaan sungguh berbeza. Kegawatan ekonomi negara turut dirasai oleh cik amanda,jd niat nk wat service keta trpaksa dibatalkan demi kemakmuran beberapa pihak len. So sy kuatkan smangat bawa keta gi check kt bengkel yg best itu dengan harapan abg bengkel itu akan trgoda..hahaha. (check je pun..tak kan nk charge kn.. =P)
Dengan senyum simpul, abg pomen tu pn check, check punya check rupanya box tmpt nk kluarkan 'air terjun' tu cm dh rosak, or kipas dlm box tu dh weak sbb air stil kuar cuma perlahan jd ia tak kuat nk jd 'air terjun', cm dh kena catu lak.
Dengan senyum simpul, sy pn tnya brapa kos nk gnti bnda tu, dia kata, mahal gk n dia takda brg tu klau nk gnti pn (huh...seb bek xda...)
Saya: " la pulak ek bang,klau gitu takpala.."
Abg pomen: " klau adik nk gnti bek gi service center dia sbb diorng ada original brg dia,klau hyundai nye brg sy takda, klau lelain nye brg sy leh kaw-team dgn kwn2 sy kt service center diorng."
Saya: "Oh ya lah..ingt nk gi gk nnt.Tp klau nk wat minor service lelain leh ke nk wat kt sini? Kwn2 sy rmai kata sini bgus."
Abg pomen: "Oh iya? blh je,takda mslh.sape rekmen tmpt ni kt adik?"
Saya: "(alamak..sape ek..xda sapa..diri sendri =P ..ok tukar topic!) Um, abg.. ni check2 ni brapa ek casnya?"
Abg pomen: "Ala..adik blanja abg mkn nasi ayam je la kt dpn hospital tu,adik kn doktor kt situ.. (smbil trsenyum dan tutup but dpn keta)"
Saya: "(Doktor? ada rupa doktor kah? first time ni,slalu org panggil sy 'cikgu' wlaupun first time jmpa..) Eh, mana abg tau? (Smbil senyum lg..)"
Abg pomen: "Ala..abg tau la..adik keja kt hospital tu kn,slalu nmpk lalu.. Um..takpala,ni free je. Len kali dtg lg k (senyum2)"
Haha..doktor mmg la kt hospital kejanya,xkn kt bengkel kot.. =P, sah abg tu slah org. mana org ada lalu situ slalu. tp takpala..dh bg free tu. Okay laaa~!
Saya: (Buat2 trkejut) "Eh, iya? Time kasih byk2 eh bang..baik la abg ni. (^_^)"
Lalu sy pn berlalu...
Moral of the story:- At least, sy dh tau apa penyakit nya 'air terjun' tu xnk kuar.. gnti? tu len kira..
- Tak sangka pkai comot2 gitu pn org kata doktor. bkn doktor org, tp doktor komputer. Mak sy yg keja kt hospital tu,assist doktor.. hehehehe
- Bengkel tu best. Bkn sbb dia bg free tu, tp sbb bla sy tnya ayah dia kata tu satu2 bengkel melayu yg mmg TIP TOP nye servis. Btul tak dFadz?