December 28, 2008

Obsession of Color

Tak sure mcm mana color play a big role in our personality tp sepanjg sy idup ni..pilihan color utk setiap bnda yg sy beli berubah gk.. I used to like one color only, tp bla sy realize yg most of the time, the color that i pick dnt really follow my fav color, so i just follow my moods n dont have any fav color anymore..

Little girl: 7 - 17 thn

Sy suka sgt kaler biru! Tp bila sy tau rmai org suka kaler biru, sy tukar suka merah sbb tak nak suka kaler yg sama dgn org len. But somehow, each time sy pilih baju kurung/bracelet/sampul buku/botol2 syampoo/alas kerusi/accessories n etc.. most of the time mesti sy terpilih kaler biru instead of red.

Teenage #1: 18 - 19

At this moment, most of the time my hand n my head dont work together really well.. I want to pick blue but my head always said, "Why dont u pick pink instead, that dress looks better in pink". So im not really sure what color is my fav when people asked. Kdg2 rasa mcm, tgn tu amik brg2 yg bercolor pink/red tnpa go trought my mind..Tak sempat abis pk tgk2 kt kaunter dh byr baju/things yg brkaler tu... In the end, when i open my wardrobe, most of my clothes, my toiletries, are in red n car is red, my car kusyen is pink, my toys are in pink, sampul surat n buku are pink + blue.. I used to hate pink..huhu..

Teenage #2: 20 - 23

My interest started to change.. I like things in purple..and now I love purple so much! It's like obsession for purple..i want to buy evrything in purple..bracelet..clothes..anything..i even want my car to be purple but sadly, after the deal with the salesman, he said purple i have to take blue instead.

Adult-to-be: 23 and ??

It seems like my hand n my head is fighting again...huhu... Each time i want to pick purple clothes, my hand is like changing to pick yellow~orange color..and now, without i noticing it, i already have 4 pairs of yellow~orange baju kurung! I hate yellow! But somehow, my head said, "You looks great in yellow~".. hoho..really? Sy terpengaruh dgn pujian diri sendiri..haha! What can i say, so yellow it is (~_~)

Now, I plan to buy a new handphone n i'm stil thinking..should it be yellow or purple? It's like..I love purple but when my eyes look at the yellow stuff...somehow it makes me makes me smile... huhu..what's wrong with my lips..?

@))->-- Daa~ --<-((@


Anonymous said...

saya suke warna-warni... ^_^

Amanda Eltiqaz said... pun~~~ nnt sy wat kaler tulisan warna-warni ek =D

Anonymous said...

hey! jgn wat tulisan warna warni. pening pala aku nk baca blog ko nnt. eh, skrg kerap gk ko update blog ko ek? tak terkejar aku. huhu.


kebanyakan theme color aku sama dgn ko (remember ko berkenan jam tgn vincci kaler ungu yg aku beli tu? siap ko hmpir nk merajuk sbb aku yg dpt jam tu instead of you. haha)

tp aku nye cani lak: black, green (i dont really like green tp 'ter'pilih semua brg warna tu), pink, purple and currently, brown. apa2 hal mesti nmpk cam brown tu canteeeek sgt. padahal dulu taderla suka brown pon!

hoh. k. byk lak aku komen. dh jd cam blog aku lak. wahaha

Amanda Eltiqaz said...

haaa..aku ingt! aku ingt! jam kaler purple tu..sbnrnya blh je nk beli jam yg sama tp cm pelik lak sama ek..hehehe

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