February 20, 2008

Hari yang meletihkan...

Hari ni berlalu seperti hari2 biasa...pg2 bgn pkul 530am, then siap2 sarapan.. 630am dh bertolak dr rumah.. Awal kan? Sbb rumah sy agak jauh dr bandar..ambil masa kira2 26 km cmtu. klau takda traffic jam, blh la smpi lebih kurang 20-25 min..klau jam pepagi tu (slalu nya area kwsn sek) up skit smpi plg lmbt pn 40 min.. Tp sbb dh tiap2 hari..jd takda la terasa jauh sgt pn.. =)

Mula2 sy kena hntr adik sy yg bungsu tu gi sek..then..hntr mak sy keja...then baru la sy menuju ke tmpt keja...smpi2 tmpt keja tu biasa around 720 - 740am.. Huhu...satu jam awl tu! Sy msuk keja 830am...tp takda la melangok (um...perbuatan ni mcm duduk termenung tak wat apa2 gitu kot..tak tau amik dr kamus mana tp slalu guna gk.. =P)

Tiba je office biasa jd org pertama buka lecturer room tu... On network..lampu..mesin photostate (wlaupun bkn tugas hakiki...tp ku lakukan jua demi memudahkan keja lps ni nk potostate ke apa...and sbb tak tau nk wat apa sgt) sbb mesin photostate tu nye warming up punya la lama...aih.. Then as usual akan breakfast dgn bekal yg dibawa..hehe...nmpk rajin je ek bawa bekal.. (^_^) actually bkn sy wat pn...mak yg buat...tiap2 hari mmg akan bawa breakfast...

Then starting 800am tu bermula la kehidupan sbg seorang lecturer di situ...um... So far...after 6 months working in here...i can say..honestly, my heart is really captured by the people around..the staff...the students....they are really nice and i can say..i am really comfortable being there as a community... They are so lovely..friendly...and easy-going... Cuma...tugas2 yg dipertanggungjawabkan (pnjg tul perkataan ni...huhu) tu amat la berat...and quite unreasonable sometimes....it is reasonable if we are paid for it...but somehow...i think and i feel like my salary is not really equivalent to the workload given...

The first 4 months...was really exciting...and challenging i think..hehe... maklum la..baru2 keja...semangat tu membara2.. Going to work with happiness wlaupun balik2 keja je trus trlelap mata.. (ntah knapa sgt penat..tp sgt hepi...hehe) Even i never thought that being a lecturer would be that tough tp somehow...trus kan juga...follow the flow the streams..

Tp..after 6 months...im getting tired with all the stuff that not really relavant with my job scope.... aih..quite hard to tell here..but that's what i feel... each day..happiness to makin turun2 and menurun.... and now...semangat tu pn dh makin fading... I love teaching...i love being there...but i dont like the way the mngmt treat the lecturers and the burden that are not really convenient for us to do...

Hari ni...i am appointed as the commitee of Sukan Semalaysia anjuran M**A... I like the challenge..but i hope they would spare us some time to settle down the other lecturer-unrelated-job first... Its a big event i guess..which involves Tuanku and big crowd from all states... And maybe i expect the tiring moments has begun~~~ ;)

Tomorrow, will be a lot of things to submit..student reports...final exam question draft 1...bla bla bla... Aaa....rasa nk cuti je..tp apakan daya...sape nk ajar student2 ku yg comel itu klau sy cuti...nnt nk kena pk nk replace class lg...so..kuat kn hati...trus kan perjuangan.... Gambatte-ne~! (^_^)

@))->-- See ya~ --<-((@

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